Organic Veggie Gardens

Organic Veggie Gardens

Permaculture Design.

 Guests are welcome to pick their evening salad from the vegetable garden and fruit from our orchards, you might even find an egg or two in the chicken house.


Permaculture principles have been used in the design of the property. The guiding principle of permaculture is that all elements of the design work in synergy and energy inputs of water, sun light and soil nutrients are retained within the whole system. Of course no toxic pesticides are used on the property and we generate all of our own compost. All water is captured and retained onsite and solar panels are used to generate our power.


"Permaculture"  is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems." 

 'Bill Mollison' founder of permaculture.

  • Collect your own salad leaves

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You will find three food gardens:


1/. 'Traditional 'with peaches, apricots, plums ,pomegranate, bananas, gauva, feijoa, finger limes, nashi pears, black sapote, persimmon, figs, blueberries, lemons, tangelos, oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, apples, dragon fruit, lychees, pecans, chestnuts, macadamias and kiwi fruit 


2/. 'Amazonian' with tropical fruit including custard apples, Brazilian cherries, acerola berries, loquats, coffee plants, turmeric, yacon and ginger 


3/. 'Bush Tucker' with edible Australian natives including Davidson Plum, Atherton Almonds and LemonScented Myrtle.

Vegetable garden:

Here we grown everything possible in season including leaves for your salad.

The Veggie Garden

We established our veggie garden in 2011 and it is the heart and soul of The Moorings Lakehouse. Depending on the season you will find all of the traditional veggie heros e.g tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, a multitude of salad leaves, herbs etc. If you look a little closer in early winter you might find more exotic tumeric and yacon the South American tuber that tastes like a cross between an apple and a radish.

Beauty is a vital ingredient of good design

Permaculture design is all about making best use of all available energy inputs and retaining them in a system. The most important energy input is us humans and our motivation and desire to maintain, harvest and interact with the garden. Making the veggie garden a  beautiful space through design of pathways, beds, complimentary flower planting, hedges and continued weeding keeps our team of gardeners highly motivated to deliver a beautiful experience to our guests.

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